
salsa dressing


share for all

Hi see u all in my blog here i want to share how to make a light mayo as traditional,in the 80 years old we cant find many groccery so we must to make it as home made So simple and eazy we just need egg yolk,olive oil and optional taste that u wish but we need skill and patient for doing that so it will a good result If u have any questions pls add me at

real practice for crispy toast


deli delight sandwiches

For sandwiches holic particulary of ham Here i will share how to making deli delight,its so tasty incredible Basicly for dressing is garlic butter i ever to give it to previous seassion Now we need all kind of breads but im using french breads coz it has crunchy texture if still fresh,first cut a french bread divide two as horizontal then put garlic butter lay on add lettuce ,onion,green pepper and last for ripe avocado then adding pepper close it with ones of slice of french bread and cutting being two as vertical,ready for platting and serve Enjoy ur deli delight superb fantastic taste

garlic bread w/ french baqquette

Ingredients 1/3 lenght of baqquette 50 gr Garlic 165 gr butter salted 20 gr parsley

delicious of lasagna alforno
